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Bob Bly

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Now Sell More of Your Industrial Products and Services to Engineers and Technical Managers

As an industrial product marketer or sales manager, you face many challenges consumer product marketers don’t. This site exists to help you with one of your biggest challenges: industrial copywriting.

Most industrial marketers get their copy written in one of two ways. Either they hire an agency or freelance copywriter. Or they assign the writing project to one of their staff engineers or managers.

If you’ve ever worked with an agency or copywriter who did not know your technology or your market, you were probably dismayed when you saw their draft – and had to spend a lot of your valuable time rewriting it. You paid for strong, technically accurate copy. And instead you got drivel you couldn’t possibly use.

Your staff engineer understood the product and the market. And from a purely factual standpoint, his copy was correct and solid. But he has little or no knowledge of how to write copy that sells. And so his copy, accurate as it was, simply didn’t work. It failed to generate the open rates, clicks, conversions, leads, and sales you hoped for.

The solution is simple: get your industrial copy written by someone who is both an experienced, results-producing industrial copywriter and a technically savvy engineer.

At the risk of being immodest, I fit that bill. I am a chemical engineer and also trained as a Certified Novell Administrator. I am a techie. So I am able to quickly grasp the complexities of technical products and understand niche markets.

At the same time, I have more than 4 decades of experience writing industrial copy for dozens of different clients and technical products with pretty good results. Click here to see samples of my work … view a list of my clients and what they say about me … read my articles and special reports on B2B marketing … browse a list of the marketing books I have written … and learn more about my background and experience.

So if you need help planning marketing strategy or writing industrial copy that brings you more clicks, conversions, leads, and sales,just call me today at 973-263-0562 for a free, no-obligation chat about your marketing challenges and how I can help you. Or e-mail me at

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